Beef Value Chain Round Table by Katie Wood

2012 CYL Mentee Katie Wood from Ontario had the opportunity to attend the Beef Value Chain Round Table in Ottawa along with fellow mentee Erika Strande from British Columbia. Here is what she had to say about her experience:

I had the opportunity to attend the Beef Value Chain Round Table meeting in Ottawa on Oct 2nd and 3rd, 2012. The meeting provides a platform for all  stakeholders in the industry to meet and discuss issues, challenges and opportunities for the industry as a whole. Representatives from government (both provincial and federal), industry representative groups like the Canadian Cattleman’s Association and National Cattle Feeders Association, research groups like BCRC and Livestock Gentec as well as large industry like Cargil and XL Foods and more, were all are represented at the roundtable. This roundtable came at a pertinent time as the XL Beef recall was in full swing and receiving heaps of media attention. At times the air of tension, stress, and concern was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Although the agenda was full of updates from various parties, everyone was concerned with the future of the industry due to the recall. Early in the meeting it was decided that the second day’s agenda was to be put aside in order to discuss a plan of action to deal with the beef recall and all agreed that it was the 1st priority. The meeting continued, receiving short presentations updating stakeholders on a variety of topics including BSE surveillance, Growing Forward II, CFIA on feed regulations, cattle traceability, Regulatory Cooperation Council/Beyond the Border, studying possible changes to beef grading, Canada Beef Inc update, sustainability issues update and more. Some “action items” included the need for the formation of a BSE policy committee, to support the efforts of the RCC/Beyond the Border and to continue the discussion on traceability. On day 2 of the BVCRT the focus was the recall. We were joined by the Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture, and received an update on the situation from CFIA and XL Foods. One of the major concerns was the need for improved communications throughout the value chain on this issue and then addressing media concerns and communicating the right message. The roundtable also wanted to convey to the Minister the severity of the situation and the immense value of the infrastructure the XL plant represents to the Canadian beef industry and the urgency of the situation as a whole. Although at times the mood of the meeting was somewhat intense and sombre, it was a tremendous opportunity to listen to the entire food value chain. I highly recommend any CYLers try and attend one of these meetings if you have the opportunity to do so.

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