On November 13-14 Kerry Hyatt attended the first annual Canfax Marketing Forum in Calgary with her mentor Anne Dunford. She said in addition to all of the great information that was presented to attendees by very qualified speakers, the forum was a valuable opportunity to network with others in the beef industry.
On October 22, Cole Bailey and Erika Strande attended the CCA Town Hall Meeting in Kamloops, BC. Both shared their CYL experience with the 100 beef producers that gathered for the event by joining the representatives from the CCA, BCRC and Canfax that spoke at the event. These two made my job of ‘selling’ the CYL program a no brainer! It was very easy for the producers to see the merit in this program with two outstanding well-spoken mentees standing in front of them and sharing how CYL has opened up opportunities for learning, networking and personal development.